Upgrade panFora 1.3.x or 1.4.x to panFora 1.5.0 - Mac OS X
Note: These upgrade instructions assume you followed the panFora Installation Instructions exactly. If you deviated from these instructions, please make the appropriate substitutions in the directory and user specifications below.
 Download panFora 1.5.0
- Log in to the panFora Members Area using the user id and password you received when you first downloaded panFora
- Click the "Downloads" link in the menu to the left of the members page
- Click the link for Mac OS X, and save the panFora Distribution File to your server
 Backup Your Existing Forums
- Log in to your server
- Go to the withinc directory:
< cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/withinc >
- Create archives of both the Forums directory and the panFora directory:
< tar cf - Forums | gzip -c - > Forums_bak.tgz >
< tar cf - panFora | gzip -c - > panFora_bak.tgz >
- If a problem is encountered during the upgrade, the backups can be restored with the following commands:
< gzip -cd Forums_bak.tgz | tar xf - >
< gzip -cd panFora_bak.tgz | tar xf - >
- The backup files can be deleted once the upgrade process is successful.
 Extract the panFora Distribution File
- Make sure that you are still in your withinc directory
- Extract the panFora 1.5.0 distribution file
< gzip -cd /path-of-distribution/panFora-1.5.0-ppc-darwin.tgz | tar xf - >
- Transfer the ownership and group of the panFora directory to those of your web server
< chown -R www panFora >
< chgrp -R www panFora >
 Update Your Perl Location
- Point your web browser to http://your.server/withinc/panFora/Init.cgi
- Log in using your panFora System Administrator password
- At panFora Setup - Step 1 Perl Location: enter the location of perl in the form field, and click the submit button
- After receiving confirmation that a valid perl version has been found, the panFora 1.5.0 code upgrade is complete
- You do NOT need to continue through the remainder of the panFora Setup processes; only the perl configuration (step 1) needs to be completed for this upgrade
- If you are upgrading from panFora 1.4.x or greater, skip to Step 6
 Perform Database Update - Only necessary when upgrading from panFora 1.3.x
- To update the databases associated with each forum, go into each of your forums
- Post a new message to any topic in each forum
- This will update the panFora databases for compatibility with panFora 1.5.0
- The above step of updating each forum's databases is highly recommended. If you should skip this step, some of the new functionality of panFora 1.5.0 will fail, but no damage should result. The databases will be updated upon the first subsequent post to the forum, and normal panFora 1.5.0 functionality will be operational.
 Verify panFora Version
- Go to the Admin page for one of your forums
- Click the "Show Software Versions" link in the "Maintenance" section of the Administration menu
- Verify that the version of each file is "1.5.0"
- This completes the panFora upgrade process