Selectable Novice & Expert user interface modes
panFora is simple to use for the web novice, and yet also rich in features to satisfy the experienced expert.
Optional frames-based navigation
panFora provides innovative frame-based navigation that allows you to read message threads with unprecedented precision.
Separate message composition window
Collect your thoughts and compose your ideas in a separate window, while simultaneously viewing other pages on your website or other discussions in the forum.
Fully web-based Forum Administration interface
Everything administrative from announcements, topics, messages, users management to forum setup and maintenance functions can be performed from your web-browser.
Extensive customization without programming
As administrator, it is easy to change key visual aspects of your forum to match your website. Make changes as often as you need or want.
Optimized compiled code for high volume internet/intranet websites
Unlike low cost forums written in interpreted scripting code, panFora is designed for speed and scalability. panFora uses optimized and compiled code. On typical servers, panFora easily handles millions of message views and posts per day.
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