As the first, and far and away the best, truly integrated collaborative knowledge management software program on the market, panFora is several years ahead of the competition, and comes with some differences.
Internet Nomenclature:
Discussion forums on the internet are variously called not only "forums," but "bulletin boards," "conferences," "echoes," "newsgroups," and "mailing lists," depending on the service.
With most other software applications, one person enters a message in a forum, everyone monitoring the forum sees that message within a few hours, with the most recent new postings on the top of the webpage. Some people may choose to reply or add to the message, thereby starting a "thread" on that topic.
With panFora, messages are posted and appear immediately in the appropriate topic area, and everyone with access to that forum can see them in the "most recent posting" frame at the bottom of the forum's homepage. The poster may even have chosen to email the appropriate members that it was posted (with the url), and when they are reading it, a red "you are here" feature will indicate where it was posted.
In addition, panFora discussion forums include selectable Novice & Expert user interface modes, optional frames-based navigation, and a separate message composition window so you can collect your thoughts and compose your ideas, while simultaneously viewing other pages on your website or other discussions in the forum.
panFora nomenclature:
- Topic (vs. Forum): in panFora a Topic is equivalent to a full Forum in other software applications.
- Thread (vs. Topic): in panFora a Thread is equivalent to a Topic in other software applications.
- Forum (vs. Forums): in panFora one forum is equivalent to multiple forums in all the other software applications. Their forum is the equivalent to a panFora topic.
So how is panFora ahead of the competition?
See for yourself!
Compare panFora with UBB, WebBoard and WebCrossing regarding:
- User Side Features: Price, User Options/Preferences , User Authentication, Topic Structure and Display, Message Thread Structure and Display, Message Content Display, Global Views, Message Composition Window, etc.
- Administration Side Features: Announcements, Topics Administration, Users Administration, Message Setup, Homepage Setup and Forum Maintenance,etc. Combining state of the art messaging and document management services in one web-based program, you'll find panFora to be an extraordinarily good value over competing solutions.