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User Options/Preferences
- novice and expert user interface modes
- no-frames and frames viewing modes
- upload user's own photo
- select one of two photo sizes, or no photos in message views
- change default font size for text displayed in local forum
- customize pagination limits for topics, threads, message lists
- personal user profile text
- option to hide user's email address
- signature for message posts
- show posting statistics
- remembers frame size adjustments
- remembers message post and reply window dimensions
- option to remember user's login information with cookie authentication
Topic Structure and Display
- full hierarchy to organize topics
- selectively expand/collapse topic hierarchy
- show number of posts in each topic
- show date of most recent message in each topic
- configurable posting/replying permissions for each topic
- configurable permissions override for moderator/administrator
- paginate topic hierarchy list
- context sensitive help
Message Thread Structure and Display
- fully threaded to show exact heritage of message replies
- selectively expand/collapse message thread hierarchy
- show title of message posts and replies
- show number of replies to an initial message post
- show time/date of most recent reply in each unexpanded message thread
- show author & time/date of each message in expanded thread
- show moderators' names in highlight color
- show message attributes: New (last 24 hrs), file attachment
- sort by date
- sort by authors within topic
- paginate list of message threads
- context sensitive help
Message Content Display
- show selected message in context of full message thread
- indent to show exact heritage of message replies
- optionally display messages unindented
- show selected message with background highlight colors
- show message author's submitted photo next to message text
- view message author's profile and posting statistics.
- send email to author with URL link to referenced message
- send email to others with quote and URL link to referenced message
- Exclusive "you-are-here" button to highlight location of selected message in topics and message threads list
- show size of document file attached to message
- download/view a message's attached document file
- download/open a message's attached document file in a separate window
- print shown messages in frame
- paginate messages being shown
- context sensitive help
Global Views - Across all topics
- View: Most recent (New) messages
- View: Most Active Threads
- View: Replies To Me
- View: Authors
- View: Attachments
- View: Search
- show full topic associated with posted message
- show "New" status attribute = posted in last 24 hours
- show file attachment attribute
- paginate messages list being shown
- context sensitive help
- (To Me) show unvisited messages / show all messages
- (Authors) show total messages by author, most recent time/date
- (Attachments) show only messages with attachments, direct link to download file
- (Search) show sorted ranking of search results
Message Composition Window
- open separate composition window to allow viewing of forum/website while writing text.
- insert quoted text of message in replies
- automatic active links for URLs in message text
- option to use HTML for text formatting
- automatic correction/deletion of bad HTML tags
- preview of message formatting
- optional: file attachment to message (admin can also set file size limits)
- context dependent and admin customizable email notification list
- append author's signature text
- optional: post message anonymously (hide identity of author)
- accidental window close recovery
- option to edit own posts within configured time limit
- optional: unregistered "Guest" user may post by entering unconfirmed user information
- context sensitive help
User Authentication
- basic authentication with Apache/NCSA web server
- cookie-based authentication
- cookie authentication: remember login information
- self registration with optional email address verification
- change password
- provide hint for forgotten password
- email forgotten password
- configurable "Guest" privileges: enter, read, write, ...
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