To Create a New Forum |
1.Enter New Forum ID |
Forum ID is case sensitive. |
Forum ID needs to be unique (different than any previously created Forum). |
Only Letters and numbers, with no spaces or special characters, are allowed. |
Usually this is an abbreviated version of the Full Forum Name. |
Example: "WCON2000" for "Web Conference 2000". |
2.Choose whether you want to load setting from any existing Forum from the Load Settings pull-down menu |
When creating the first Forum, [None] is the only choice available. |
[None] is selected by default. |
It will load panFora default settings to the new Forum. |
This is to ensure that all the necessary directories are created in a correct structure and your Forum runs properly. |
Choose to load defaults from an existing Forum to copy all specially customized directory settings from the existing Forum |
Please refer to Advanced Mode for information on changing the default settings. |
Tip: Select the [None] option, unless you are an advanced user. |
3.Click |
The Creating Forum form is displayed in the Editing Frame. |
Important: |
It is not enough to click the Submit button to create a new forum. |
You need to complete the [Adding Forum] form in the Editing Frame |
and click the Submit button in order to Create a new Forum. |
Loading panFora default settings [None] |
1.Edit Forum Title by retyping into the Forum Title text field. |
You must enter a Forum Title. |
Forums will not be created if the field is left blank. |
However, the title does not need to be unique. |
All the Forum's directory structure is pre-entered by default. |
2.To edit any of these defaults, check the [Advanced Mode] checkbox. |
The Form updates to allow editing. |
Please refer to the Advanced Mode editing. |
Important: |
Do not make any edits unless you are an advanced user familiar with your server configuration. |
Loading settings from Existing Forum [Advanced Mode] |
Review and modify, as needed, any of the pre-filled Forum configuration information. |
Do not make any edits unless you are an advanced user familiar with your server configuration. |
Forum Title |
1.Edit Forum Title by retyping into the Forum Title text field. |
You must enter a Forum Title. |
Forums will not be created if the field is left blank. |
However, the title does not need to be unique. |
Forum Directory (absolute) and Top Level URL (absolute) |
1.Edit the directory paths by retyping into their respective text fields. |
[Forum Directory] (absolute) is the directory path where the Forum's data will be stored on the server. |
[Top Level URL] (absolute) is its respective URL that corresponds to the location within the web document root space as accessed through the web server. |
Important: |
As panFora System Admin, you must be sure that the web server process (with its associated user/group id) has write privileges to create the directory specified in [Forum Directory] (absolute) . |
Photo Directory (absolute) and Photo URL (absolute) |
1.Edit the directory paths by retyping into their respective text fields. |
[Photo Directory] (absolute) is the directory path where the Forum's user photos will be stored on the server. |
[Photo URL] (absolute) is its respective URL that corresponds to the location within the web document root space as accessed through the web server. |
For most installations [Photo Directory] and [Photo URL] are subdirectories of [Forum Directory] and [Top Level URL], respectively, with the name [Photo]. |
Mailing List Directory (absolute) |
1.Edit the directory path by retyping into their respective text fields. |
[Mailing List Directory] is the directory path where the Forum's mailing list files will be stored. |
Mailing list files are generated from the email address data collected from user data in the Forum, aggregated by Forum groups. |
These mailing list files are used in posting notifications and announcements, and are compatible with the sendmail program. |
Authentication Method |
1.Select the appropriate User Authentication Method. |
Choose one of the two user access authentication methods below: |
a. [Cookies]: The default, and most flexible authentication method available. |
panFora uses HTTP protocol cookies to save and validate user login information. |
panFora, itself, manages all aspects of user login/logout and Forum access. |
b. [Apache/NCSA]: The "basic" authentication as implemented by the Apache or NCSA web servers. |
The web server software, external to panFora, performs user validation for access control. |
Note: panFora will create and manage the ".htaccess", ".htpasswd" and ".htgroup" files. |
These files are located in the Forum Directory (absolute). |
Forum Default Type |
1.Select the appropriate Forum Default Type. |
Choose one of the three types below: |
a. [Private]: The default and most restrictive type, denies Guest Access, |
denies Anonymous Posting and denies User Self Registration. |
b. [Public - Read Only]: Allows Guest Access but denies Guest Posting. |
allows Anonymous Posting and allows User Self Registration. |
c. [Public]: The most open type, allows Guest Access and posting, |
allows Anonymous Posting and allows User Self Registration. |
Note: |
Selecting a Forum type, automatically sets the above user access attributes for the new Forum. |
You may later edit any of these settings, in the Forum General Configuration. |
Assign a Forum Administrator |
As part of the Forum setup, you must assign a Forum Administrator. |
The Forum Administrator operates all Admin features from within the Forum Administrator web interface. |
The Forum Administrator |
Edits Forum Configuration, Color Scheme and Layout |
Defines Users and Moderators' capabilities |
Defines user group memberships, and discussion topic organization. |
The default permissions for this user are Read, Write, Moderator and Admin. |
By default, he is also the Primary Forum Administrator. |
In addition to the responsibilities above, the Primary Forum Administrator |
Is the main contact to the Forum. |
Important: |
By default, the form is pre-filled with the panFora System Administrator information. |
Please make the appropriate changes, if necessary. |
By submitting the information below, the first user is entered into the Forum User Database |
Forum Administrator Basic Data |
1.Enter/Edit UserID |
2.Enter/Edit New User Password |
3.Enter/Edit User Email Address |
4.Enter/Edit User First Name |
5.Enter/Edit User Last Name |
6.Click to submit your changes. |
A confirmation message will be displayed stating that the new forum was created successfully. |
The primary Forum Administrator will receive an email |
with his account information (UserID and password), |
the Forum's URL and the Administrative Interface URL. |
The Next Step |
You may now continue to create new forums or proceed to Edit the newly created Forum attributes. |