Access and Security |
User Authentication Method |
User authentication methods secure users access to the forum's messages and features. |
1.Choose one of the user access authentication methods below: |
a. [Cookies]: The default, and most flexible authentication method available. |
panFora uses HTTP protocol cookies to save and validate user login information. |
panFora, itself, manages all aspects of user login/logout and Forum access. |
b. [Apache/NCSA]: The "basic" authentication as implemented by the Apache or NCSA web servers. |
The web server software, external to panFora, performs user validation for access control. |
Note: panFora will create and manage the ".htaccess", ".htpasswd" and ".htgroup" files. |
These files are located in the Forum Directory (absolute). |
Password Encryption |
1.Check the [Yes] checkbox under Encrypt Passwords in Users Database to encrypt passwords. |
Warning: |
Once the encryption option is checked it cannot be modified. |
This is an irreversible action. |
Once password encryption is checked, the checkbox is no longer available. |
Pros and Cons: |
a. Non-encrypted passwords: |
Are normally stored in clear text. |
Any Forum Administrator can read and or change them |
Make it easy to email Users their passwords in case they forget them. |
b. Encrypted passwords: |
All passwords are stored in the database in encrypted form. |
Forum Administrators cannot see the actual password. |
If a user forgets his password, he must ask the Forum Administrator for a new one, |
which puts added burden on the admin. |
Moderator Capabilities |
Edit Other User Posts |
Edited posted messages include an additional line stating modification date, |
and the UserID of modifier. |
1.Click the appropriate radio button to allow or disallow Moderators to Edit other Users Posts. |
If you select [Yes] to allow Moderators to Edit other Users Posts, |
you can now select the scope of their capabilities. |
If you select [No] to disallow Moderators to Edit other Users Posts, |
selecting the scope of their capabilities has no effect. |
Editing Scope |
1.Click the appropriate radio button to define the Moderator's editing scope: |
Confined to the group(s) for which Moderator is Group Leader. |
Able to edit any post across all the groups in the Forum. |
Delete Other User Posts |
1.Click the appropriate radio button to allow or disallow Moderators to Delete Other Users Posts. |
If you select [Yes] to allow Moderators to Delete other Users Posts, |
you can now select the scope of their capabilities. |
If you select [No] to disallow Moderators to Delete other Users Posts, |
selecting the scope of their capabilities has no effect. |
Deleting Scope |
1.Click the appropriate radio button to define Moderator's deleting scope: |
Confined to the group(s) for which Moderator is Group Leader. |
Able to edit any post across all the groups in the Forum. |
User Capabilities |
Upload Own Photos |
1.Click the appropriate radio button to allow or disallow Users to Upload their own Photos. |
This option requires User Profiles |
Posting HTML |
1.Click the appropriate radio button to allow or disallow Users to use HTML in their Posts. |
Note: panFora supports simple html in the message text. |
You can use link and image tags as well as formatting tags. |
Attaching Files |
1.Click the appropriate radio button to allow or disallow Users to Attach Files to their Posts. |
If you select [Yes] to allow Users to attach files, you may now set some file upload limitations: |
a.Set up Filesize and space limits. |
b.Filter Javascript in Uploaded HTML Files |
If you select [No] to disallow Users to attach files, setting limits has no effect. |
Setting File Size Limitations |
1.Select the Maximum File Size for attachments from the pull-down menu. |
Choose [No Limit] to allow any file size. |
Warning: |
Please check what is the inherent limit of your Web Server on |
upload filesize and temp storage space. |
Make sure there is enough room to process the maximum number of expected files. |
2.Select the Maximum Total Disk space for attachments from the pull-down menu. |
Choose [No Limit] if you don't want to set limits. |
Warning: |
Setting this number will affect all Forums installed on your server. |
Setting this number will affect all Forums installed on your server. |
3.Select the action to be taken if the maximum space limit is exceded. |
Choose [Automatically delete oldest atachments] if you want to automate the process or |
Choose [Notify the Primary Administrator] if you'd like to delete attachments selectively. |
Filtering Javascript in Uploaded HTML Files |
As a safety mechanism, you can filter out javascript from uploaded html files |
1.Choose one of the following options: |
Choose [Always Filter] if you want to automate the process: |
In the Forum Message Content, the user will be able to either view the source or |
Open a filtered version of the uploaded file, with all javascript stripped out. |
Choose [Let User Decide] if you'd like the user to filter html files selectively. |
In the Forum Message Content, the user will be able to either view the source or |
Open the file as "Safe HTML" (filtered version of the uploaded file), with all javascript stripped out, or |
Download the file as it was posted - without any filtering. |
Add Email Notification with Post |
This function enables users to email directly from any Forum message, |
thus linking the email back to its place in the Forum. |
1.Click the appropriate radio button to allow or disallow Users Email Notification with Posts. |
Tip: Email notification can be limited by modifying the notification list in |
Step 5 of Forum setup (Edit Email Notification), rather than completely disabled. |
Edit Own Posts |
Edited posted messages include an additional line stating modification date, |
and the UserID of modifier. |
1.Click the appropriate radio button to allow or disallow Users to Edit their own Posts. |
If you select [Yes] to allow Users to Edit their own Posts, you may now set a time limit. |
Time limits range from One Day to A Year, to No Limit. |