Content FrameHelp for Expert ModepanFora 
Content Frame displays all the messages in a selected thread in their entirety.
In the Content Frame, you can view messages in context, reply to messages, edit your own messages, and send emails.
From the Content Frame you can also view user profiles, edit your user profile, and access many other Message and Content Frame action tools.
panFora Messages

Messages in panFora are displayed in message threads.
This unique neat feature allows you to always view a message in its context
It also allows you to view the dynamics of an entire discussion, as it spawns from any given message.

  A message thread displays a message together with the complete list of its replies, and replies to replies.
  Each reply is indented from the message it replies to.

  1. To select a message, click on its name in the Threads Frame.

    The Message content in its entirety is displayed in the Content Frame.
    The selected Message is highlighted in the Content Frame.
    The selected message is always visible in the Content Frame.

    In Expert Mode, all the messages in the thread are visible in the Content Frame,
    with the selected message displayed in context.
    If messages are too long, you may need to scroll in order to view it.
    You can also Resize the Content Frame by dragging its Frame Borders.

Message Properties
The selected message is highlighted.

The following information is available for each individual message:
  Complete message text, message title, author username,
  date of posting, author photo, and author profile.

Whenever appropriate, the following elements will also appear:

  This icon indicates messages posted in the last 24 hours.
  This icon or similar indicates messages with attachments.
  The file size information appears when attachments are larger than 100K.
  Edited messages include a modification line that includes modification date,
  and author information.

    The author name and profile features are configured by the Forum Administrator, and may not available in your forum.

    Click on the author's name link to send an email message addressed to author.
    Please note that this feature is unavailable if the author chooses to hide his email address.
    Please refer to Editing Your User Profile for more on hiding your email address.

Author Properties
A photo of the author precedes each message.
Message posted by User.
Message posted by Moderator (indicated by the green frame).
Message posted by Guest.
Message posted anonymously.

The color of non moderator photo frames is configured by the Forum Administrator.
Gray is the default color, but yours may be different.

  The Forum Administrator enables showing user photos. Therefore this feature may not available in your forum.
  The Forum Administrator also enables and sets up the posting permissions. Therefore, Guest and or Anonymous posting may not available in your forum.
  In Expert Mode you can choose to hide or show user photos. Please refer to Customizing section for more information on this subject.
  If a user hasn't given his permission to use his photo, a default graphic (Guest image) will be displayed in lieu of his photo.
  If you are experiencing trouble displaying user photos, please refer to the Troubleshooting section.

Action Tools
There are two groups of action tools:

Message Specific Action Tools
  Posts a reply to the message.
  Edits a message.
  Views user profile of the message's author.
  Opens panFora email.
  Selects a non selected message and traces its precise location in all panFora frames.

  Please note that some of these features may not be available in your forum, as they are configurable by the Forum Administrator.
  For more information on these functions, please refer to Message Specific Action Tools section.


Content Frame Action Tools
  Flattens all the messages displayed in the Content Frame.
  Displays the messages in a threaded mode.
  Flattened messages are still displayed in context but without indentation.
  The two buttons toggle. Feel free to experiment with the two views.
  Prints all contents of the Content Frame.

  For more information on these functions, please refer to Content Frame Action Tools section

Message Specific Action Tools
Reply to a Message

  1. Click in a message to reply to it.

    The Reply Window pops up.

  If this topic no longer allows posting, the Reply button will not be available.
  For more information on replying to messages in panFora, please refer to the Posting section.

Select a non-selected message

  1. Click in a non-selected message to select and highlight the message in the Content window.

  The Threads View will update to highlight the newly selected message.
  For additional functionality of this button, please refer to Tracing a Message section.

panFora Email

  1. Click in a message to send an email.

    The Email Window pops up.

  For more information on emailing directly from panFora, please refer to the Posting section.
  If you are experiencing trouble sending an email, please refer to the Troubleshooting section.

Edit a Message

  1. Click next to the message title to edit it.

    An edited message displays a modification line at the end of the message body text, displaying the editor username and modification date.

  The edit button is only available next to your own messages.
  For more information on editing a message in panFora, please refer to the Posting section

View User Profile
  1. Click next to the message title to view information on the author.

    The User Profile Window pops up to display User Information and Posting Statistics.

  User Information includes personal information.
  Posting Statistics compares total numbers of posts this author has generated in the forum versus the Top Scorer for the forum. This number is tallied for today and also cumulatively.
  For more on User Information please refer to Editing Your User Profile in the Customizing section

Edit User Profile
  You can only edit your own User Profile.
  1. Click next to the message title to view information on the author.

    The User Profile Window pops up to display User Information and Posting Statistics.

  2. Enter or modify any user information.
  3. Check "Hide My Email Address from Other Users " checkbox to hide your email.
    If you check "Hide My Email", forum users will still be able to email you in direct response to your message, but your email address will remain hidden.
  4. Enter your signature in the Signature text box.

    Once you create a Signature, it can be appended to desired messages.
    For more on Signatures, please check the Posting section

  5. Enter a path to the image you want to upload, or click on the Browse button to upload your own Photo.
  6. Click Submit.

  For more on User Information, please refer to Editing Your User Profile in the Customizing section
  Depending on your forum configuration uploading your own photo may be unavailable.
  Please check with your Forum Administrator for more information on your forum specific configuration.

View or download Message Attachments
  1. Click on the attachment icon (or similar graphic) at the bottom of the message to download or open the attached file.

    The attachment will either download to your computer or be opened directly in the browser.

  2.To open the attachment file in a new window click the "open in new window" link.
  3.If the attachment is an HTML file , you will be provided with three options:

    a. View Source - this option is recommended to prevent downloading files that may corrupt your system.

    b. Safe HTML - download file with all the javascript code (contained in the original HTML file) stripped out.

    c. Open file as it was posted - Clicking on the file name will bring up a window warning you of the potential dangers of opening an HTML file from an unidentified or unsafe source. You may still choose to open it,

  Depending on your forum configuration, option c may be unavailable.
  Please check with your Forum Administrator for more information on your forum specific configuration.

  File size information is provided next to any attachment above 100K.
  It is recommended that you always view the source of an HTML file attachment before downloading it.
  For more information on viewing or downloading attachments, please refer to the Troubleshooting section

Content Frame Action Tools
You will find the following action buttons in the Content Frame title bar.
Flatten Messages
  1. Click to flatten all the messages displayed in the Content Frame.

  This feature is particularly helpful when message threads are very long, or when printing the contents of the Content Frame.
  Flatten feature is applied to all pages in the selected thread. For more on pagination, please refer to Pagination in the Customizing section.
  Selecting a new thread will revert the messages to the threaded mode.

Display Messages in Threaded Mode
  1. Click to display the messages in a threaded mode.

  This is the default mode. Selecting a new thread will automatically display the messages in a threaded mode.
  Note The Flatten and Unflatten buttons toggle.

Print Messages
  1. Click to print all contents displayed in the Content Frame.

  Set Pagination in the Content Frame to All to print the entire message thread.
  For more on pagination, please refer to Pagination in the Customizing section.

  Copyright © 2002 wiTHinc, Inc. All rights reserved.