TroubleshootingHelp for Expert ModepanFora 
Slow Posting Time

Attaching a document to your message will cause an increased posting time (proportional to the file attachment size), so keep your attachments as small as possible.

Use compressing utilities such as Stuffit and Zippit to keep the file attachment size down.

Cannot attach more than one document per message

You may attach only one document per message.

If you need to attach more than one document to your message, you can use utilities such as StuffIt or WinZip to create an archive of multiple documents.

Attachments do not upload
Make sure not to exceed the limit file-size per attachment.

Check the attachment file-size limit listed in the Post and Reply windows.

Attachments upload incorrectly

Make sure you are using document-naming conventions.
Most platforms require a filename suffix to identify a file and open it correctly from the right application.

In order to ensure everybody can read your attached file regardless of their platform, please always add the appropriate suffix to your files.

Common file types list
.txtText File
.docWord Document
.xlsExcel Document
.pptPowerpoint Document
.pdfPDF (Acrobat) Document
.htmlHTML file
.bmpBitmap image
.gifGif image
.jpgJpeg image
.tifTif image
.movQuickTime Document
.wavSound Document
.mp3MP3 Document
.mpgVideo Document
.sitStuffit Archive Document
.zipWinZip Archive Document
Downloading HTML Attachments - Warning

You should be careful when downloading HTML files.
Harmful javascript code in a downloaded HTML file can cause serious damage to your computer system and/ or files.

It is recommended you first click "Source" link to view the document source prior to downloading it.
Click on the "Safe HTML" link to open a filtered version of the file, with all javascript code stripped out.
If you are confident about the file, click on the "file name" link to open the original file, including any javascript code.
Depending on your Forum configuration this option may not be available.

Cannot View or Download Attachments

Macintosh Netscape known bug - If your images are not showing up and or clicking on links have no effect, reload or restart the browser.

  If your browser is not set up for viewing the attachment directly, it will be downloaded to your hard drive. Use the find function in your computer to search for the downloaded file.

Attachments are opened within the Forum instead from application

Some browsers will open the attached file from within the forum, and (ex: a gif image or word document).
Check your internet browser default and option settings for viewing document attachments.

To open the attachment file in a new window click the "open in new window" link.
If your browser is not set up for viewing the attachment directly, it will be downloaded to your hard drive

Attachments disappeared from posted messages
Click to reload the data.
If the server disk space was getting too small, the Forum Admin may have resorted to deleting large attachments or old attachments.

The Forum Administrator sets the policy for deleting message attachments and messages.
Please check your Forum's policy with your Forum Administrator.
Keep attachment sizes small by using compression software utilities such as StuffIt or WinZip.

Cannot see the whole content of messages

Browser and platform behavior may cause some variations in the presentation of the material.

Use the button in the Topics Frame to reduce the font size

This change will not affect other web sites. It is specific to panFora.
Any changes you make in font size will be in effect every time you login to panFora.

Resize your window (for example: Post Window) or your frame (example: Thread Frame) to be able to view all the information.

We strongly recommend you use the latest releases of Netscape or Internet Explorer.
For more information on font sizes and frame resizing, please refer to the Customizing section.

Font Size is too small

By default panFora uses a small font size
However, you can change the font size to meet your needs and preferences.

Use the button in the Topics Frame to enlarge the font size

This change will not affect other web sites. It is specific to panFora.
Any changes you make in font size will be in effect every time you login to panFora.

For more information on font sizes please refer to the Customizing section.

Cannot send email

Every browser handles email in a different manner.
Check you browser email settings or refer to your browser documentation.

If you are using a non-browser email application such as Eudora or Outlook, and clicking on the author email link does not correctly activate your email application, please consult your email documentation regarding installation.

Forum data does not update in the Forum

Whenever you post a message, panFora will update both Thread and Content Frames to reflect the changes.

However, you must click the button in the Topics Frame in order to see newly posted messages by other users.

If you are viewing your messages in any of the Global Views, click on the button in the Content Frame to update both Topics and Threads Frames.

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