The Edit Post Window is used for editing posted messages. |
An edited message displays a modification line at the end of the message body text, displaying the editor username and modification date.
Depending on your forum configuration there may be a time limit for editing messages, or this feature may be unavailable.
Please check with your forum administrator for more information on your forum specific configuration.
1. In the Content Frame choose the message you wish to edit. |
You can only edit your own messages.
You cannot edit messages you posted or replied as "Guest".
The message does not need to be selected (highlighted).
2. In the Content Frame click to edit a message. |
The Edit Post Window pops up
3. Retype a title in the title field to edit the Message Title. |
You may leave it as is if you do not wish to edit it.
Messages will not be posted if the title field is left blank.
4. Retype the message content in the text area to edit Message Text. |
5. Check the Post as HTML checkbox, if you want to post your message as html. |
Click to preview your HTML message.
panFora supports simple HTML in the message text. You can use link and image tags as well as formatting tags.
Appropriate HTML code is required in the message text in order to display as html.
6. Click on if you wish to append your signature at the end of the message content. |
Text and special characters are allowed, but no HTML
Note that you may edit the appended signature in the Message Text area.
7. Re-enter a path to the file or document you want to attach to your message. |
You may also click on the Browse button to locate the file you want to attach to your message.
In the editing process you may choose to delete a previously attached file, upload another file in its place or leave the attachment as is.
The Forum Administrator enables and sets up the Attachment options:
If there is an attachment file-size limitation, it will be noted above the filename input area.
File attachments larger than the file-size limit will not be uploaded, but the message will still be posted.
The Forum Administrator may have to delete message attachments due to server space limitations.
Please refer to the Troubleshooting section for more information on attaching files.
8. Select an Email Notification target from the Email Notification pull down menu. |
Email Notification will be sent to the individual or group based on your selection.
If your original message had email notification, that notification cannot be nullified, since it was sent together with the original message.
However, when editing a message, the original notification target is preselected.
You may choose another notification target, or select "None"
Email Notification is not available when posting as Anonymous.
9. Check the Anonymous check box to post your message anonymously. |
If you post anonymously you will not be able to reedit this message.
The anonymous photo and alias will be displayed in lieu of your own.
Please note that Email Notification is not available when posting as Anonymous.
The Forum Administrator enables and sets up the Attachment choices. Therefore, this option may not available in your Forum.
10. Click on to post your message. |
The anonymous photo and alias will be displayed in lieu of your own.
If you close the Post window without clicking the Post button, a dialog box will pop up, allowing you to confirm the cancellation of the Post or go back to the Post window to continue the posting process.
Wait for the confirmation window to ensure the message was posted correctly.
Remember that messages with large file attachments take longer to post.