SelectingHelp for Expert ModepanFora 
One of panFora's many strengths is the ability to navigate easily between all topics and message threads. No more getting lost and failing to find your way back to any previously visited message.

In order to benefit from this great feature, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with panFora's hierarchy and threading structures and panFora Navigation graphics.

In this section we also address platform specific issues (Windows OS, Mac OS).

Selecting a Topic
To select a Topic, click on its name in the Topics Frame.

  The Topic Graphic updatesto show the topic is selected.
  The message threads for this topic will be shown in the Threads Frame.

  In Expert Mode, clicking on a collapsed topic selects the top-most level topic.
  Expand the topic to reveal subtopics.
  Please refer to Collapsing and Expanding section to learn more about this issue.

Selecting a Message from a selected topic
1. Select a Topic in the Topics Frame.

  The Threads for this topic will be shown in the Threads Frame.

2. Click on a message title in the Threads Frame.

   The Message content in its entirety will be shown in the Content Frame.

  In Expert Mode, clicking on a collapsed topic or collapsed message thread selects the top-most level topic and or message respectively.
  Expand the topic to reveal subtopics.
  Expand message threads to reveal the complete thread message list.
  Please refer to Collapsing and Expanding section to learn more about this issue.

Tracing a Message back to its message thread and topic
This feature is very valuable when viewing the forum in any of the global views, such as Most Recent Messages.
1. Select a Message from the list in the Threads Frame.

  The Message content will be shown in the Content Frame in its context.

2. Clickin the Content Frame.

  The Threads Frame displays the selected message thread, with the selected message highlighted.
  The Topics Frame updates to display the selected message's topic, with the selected topic highlighted.
  Topics will be expanded to reveal the selected topic

  In global views, such as Global Authors View, the message lists span across all forum topics.
  Using this feature reverts the forum view back to the default Threads View, which is topic specific.

Hierarchy and Threading
One can explore panForaby expanding topics to reveal their hierarchical structure.
Each topic may have one or more hierarchy levels.
Likewise, one can expand message threads in any given topic, to reveal their hierarchical structure.
panFora allows the user to expand and collapse any of its hierarchical structures at any time.

Topics Hierarchy
  Each topic may have one or more hierarchy levels

Message Threads Hierarchy
  There are two levels in the message threads hierarchical structure.
  The initial post in the thread, also called the head post, tops the message threads hierarchy.
  All replies to the initial post and replies to any subsequent posts in that thread are polled together in the lower hierarchy.

  Collapsing and Expanding Hierarchies is only possible in Expert Mode.
  Please refer to Collapsing and Expanding section below to learn more about collapsing and expanding hierarchies in panFora.

Collapsing and Expanding Hierarchies

Windows OS
  Click on the expand button to expand each hierarchy to reveal hidden elements lower in the hierarchical structure.
  Click on the collapse button to collapse each hierarchical structure, and hide displayed elements.

Mac OS
  Click on a right pointing filled arrow to expand each hierarchy to reveal hidden elements lower in the hierarchical structure.
  Click on a downward pointing filled arrow to collapse each hierarchical structure, and hide displayed elements.

  Click on the Expand All link to expand all hierarchies at once.
  Click on the Collapse All link to collapse all hierarchies at once.
  Please note that the Expand All and Collapse All features are frame specific.

Navigation Graphics
Each Topic and Thread is preceded by a color graphic.
Please take a moment to note the variations in color, as these graphic elements are used throughout panFora as both visual aides and navigation tools.

  If a topic has subtopics, these graphics will be preceded by expand or collapse buttons.
  Please refer to Collapsing and Expanding section to learn more about this issue.

Windows OS Navigation Graphics

  A gray folder indicates a topic.
  A red open folder indicates the selected topic.
  A folder preceded by an expand button indicates the topic has subtopics.

Message Threads
  A gray hollow square indicates a head post posted by users or guests.
  A green hollow square indicates a head post posted by a moderator.
  A red graphic preceded by a highlighted red arrow indicates selected message.
  A gray collapse button indicates the thread consists of a head post, posted by users or guests, followed by replies.
  A green collapse button indicates the thread consists of a head post, posted by a moderator, followed by replies.
  A red collapse button preceded by a highlighted red arrow indicates selected head post, followed by replies.

Mac OS Navigation Graphics

  A gray folder indicates a topic.
  A red open folder indicates the selected topic.
  A folder preceded by an expand button indicates the topic has subtopics.

Message Threads
  A gray hollow triangle indicates a head post posted by users or guests.
  A green hollow triangle indicates a head post posted by a moderator.
  A red graphic preceded by a highlighted red arrow indicates selected message.
  A gray collapse button indicates the thread consists of a head post, posted by users or guests, followed by replies.
  A green collapse button indicates the thread consists of a head post, posted by a moderator, followed by replies.
  A red collapse button preceded by a highlighted red arrow indicates selected head post, followed by replies.

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