Is panFora compatible with [your OS name here]...
 panFora is currently available for Mac OS X, MS Windows (x86), Linux (x86), Sun Solaris (sparc), OpenBSD (x86), FreeBSD (x86).
If you have a special hardware/software platform from which you would like to offer panFora, that is not currently supported, please contact consulting@withinc.com
 What kind of HTML can be used within a message?
 The majority of HTML 3.2 and 4.0 formatting code is supported in messages when that option is selected. This includes the use of tables and font specifications. Any HTML coding errors such as the failure to close tags will be corrected automatically by panFora. What will be aggressively filtered by panFora are scripts (i.e. javascript) and embedded objects that pose incredibly big security risks.
 What is a panFora Forum Administrator and how does it differ from the panFora System Forum administrator?
 panFora Forum Administrator(s) have access to:
- All Forum Configuration tools, including Color Scheme and Layout, Create and Edit Forum HTML Pages, etc.
- All Announcement Management Tools, including Make and Delete Announcements.
- Forum Users Database(Add, Edit and Delete Forum Users). Add Users Photos, and provide users with replacement encrypted passwords.
- All Topic Management tools, including Add, Edit and Delete Topics, and Edit Posting Permissions.
- All Message Management tools, including Edit and Delete Messages.
panFora System Administrators have access to:
- Create and Configure New Forums.
- Delete Existing Forums.
- Copy or Move a user from one Forum to another.
- Access panFora Software System Information.
- The panFora System Administrator has limited access to the Forum unless he is a Forum member (part of the Forum User Database)
For more information on panFora roles and responsibilities, please refer to the Admin Help Files (In the Before You Begin Section)
 How do I submit a question?
 Just ask us and your question will be posted automatically on the Tech Support Forum, where our staff will get to it asap.
View your question on the Tech Support Forum.