Topics FrameHelp for Expert ModepanFora 
Topics Frame displays a list of all topics available for discussion, the number of posts in each topic and the date of last post in each topic. Additional panFora controls are also located in the topics frame.
panFora Topics
Moderators define topics and subtopics for discussion.
Selecting a Topic
Select a Topic from the topics list in the Topics Frame:

  The Topic graphic updates to show the topic is selected.
  The message threads for this topic will be shown in the Threads Frame.

  In Expert Mode, clicking on a collapsed topic selects the top-most level topic.
  Expand the topic to reveal subtopics.
  Please refer to Selecting section for more information on panFora's hierarchy structure and platform specific issues.

  Click on the Expand All link to expand all hierarchies at once.
  Click on the Collapse All link to collapse all hierarchies at once.
  Please note that the Expand All and Collapse All features are frame specific.

Number of posts
After each topic name there is a number in parenthesis:

  That is the number of posts in that topic.

  If the topic is collapsed, the number refers to the total number of posts in this topic and subtopics.

  Click on the expand button ( in Windows OS or in Mac OS) to expand a topic's hierarchy.
  Click on the Expand All link to expand all topics hierarchies at once.

Date of Last Post
Under the Last Post column adjacent to the topics name is the date of the last (most recent) post in that topic.

  If the topic is collapsed, the date refers to the most recent post to this topic or any hidden subtopic.

  Click on the expand button to expand a topic's hierarchy.
  Click on the Expand All link to expand all topics hierarchies at once.

panFora Controls
Additional panFora controls are also located in the topics frame.

  Global Display preferences are used to set font size preferences.
  Global Navigation controls include:
  Link to Home Page
  Quick display of messages across all topics organized by:
  Global Authors, Active threads, Newest posts, and Replies to your own messages.

  Global search to find text within relevant posted messages.
  Global controls access the Help files and update all frames in panFora.
  User Options controls include:
  Changing panFora Viewing Modes
  Enabling or disabling Frames View
  Setting User Photos preferences
  Editing your User Profile
  Resetting panFora Frame Sizes
  Setting your panFora Pagination preferences.

  User Information controls include User login, logout and registration procedures.
  Legend is a quick reference of most often used panFora buttons and icons.

Use the controls below to update, display and find information in the panFora forum
Global Display preferences
Click on the following buttons to set your panFora user preferences:

  Decreases font size in all panFora frames.
  Increases font size in all panFora frames.

  Please refer to the Customizing section for more information.

  Click again on the Increase Font Size or Decrease Font Size buttons to increase more or decrease more the current font size.
  The selected font size is remembered every time you access panFora, regardless of Viewing Mode.

Global Navigation controls

   Browse messages by navigating topics.
Across all topics:
  Display newest messages.
  Display most active threads.
  Display only messages with attachments.
  Display only replies to messages you posted.
  Display messages by author.
  Jump to Forum home page.
  Opens the Help file.
  Access all panFora user options.
  Open legend describing panFora icons.
Updates all displayed frames in panFora

Global search

  Search for text within relevant posted messages.

  You are currently viewing the Expert Mode Help file.

Global controls

  Updates all frames in panFora.
  Opens the Help file

  You are currently viewing the Expert Mode Help file.

User Options
User options include changing panFora Viewing Modes, enabling or disabling Frames View, setting User Photos preferences, editing your User Profile, eesetting panFora Frame Sizes, and setting your panFora Pagination preferences.

  Click the button to accesses all panFora user options.

  For more detailed information, please refer to the Customizing section, or click on any of the links above.

User Information controls
panFora displays the current userid in the User Information section located in the Topics Frame. If you have not yet logged into panFora, or are not a registered user, you will be identified only as Guest.

  Adds a new user to panFora.
  Logs the user in the panFora forum.
  Logs the user out from the panFora forum.
  Changes the user password.

  Please refer to the Register and Login sections for more information.

Once registered, the user is allowed viewing and posting privileges.

  Some Forum configurations allow you to view the Forum without registering.
  Others, require you to be a registered user in order to enter panFora.
  The Forum Administrator enables and sets up these options. Check your forum configuration with your Forum Admin.

1. Click to add yourself to panFora

  The Registration Window pops up.

2. Enter a personal Login ID, your email address, First and Last Name.
3. Click Submit

  You will need a personal Login ID and Password to uniquely identify yourself to the system.
  The Login ID should be at least 3 characters long. If the ID you choose is already taken, you will be asked to choose another.
  It is very important that you enter your real email address. You password will be emailed to the address you provide here. Please double check your email address for correctness.

Only registered users can login to the forum. When you register you will receive your initial password via email.
1. Click to enter the panFora forum.

  The Login Window pops up.

2. Enter your Login ID and Password.
2a.Check Remember My Login Information (optional).

  Choose this option to login automatically whenever you enter the Forum. (provided you are using the same computer and same browser)
  For security reasons, we strongly recommend you do not choose this option, unless you are the only user on your computer.
  To cancel this option, click .

  4.Click Submit

  For information on changing your password, please refer to the Change Password section.

1. Click to logout from the panFora forum.

  Please refer to the Tips section for more information on establishing good login and logout habits.

Change Password
The first time you log in, use the password you were emailed when you registered to panFora.
1. Click to change your panFora password.
2. Enter Old Password.
3. Enter and Verify New Pasword.
3a. Enter Password Hint (optional).
4. Click Submit.

  The Password Hint will be displayed to you when you click on its link in the Login Window.
  You may change your password and password hint any time after the first time you log in.

   The Change Password button is only available if you are a registered user and are currently logged on. Otherwise the Register button is located in its place.

The panFora Legend provides a quick reference of most often used panFora buttons and icons.
The legend is situated at the bottom of the Topics Frame.

  Close (collapse) the Legend by clicking in the Legend title.
  Expand the Legend by clicking in the Legend title bar.

  If there are many topics and the legend becomes hidden from view, scroll down the Topics Frame.
  Click the Collapse All Link to collapse all topics.

  The Legend is only available in Expert Mode.

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