Only Forum Administrators have access to Setup tools in panFora. |
panFora allows you to completely customize your Forum color scheme. |
You can customize all color elements in each Forum, from background colors to plain text colors and text links colors. |
You may assign colors to each frame and its elements independently of other frames. |
You may: |
Use the existing Color Scheme library to change the colors in your Forum. |
Edit any color schemes in the Color Scheme library |
Create your own color schemes. |
Add your color schemes to the Color Scheme library |
Use the panFora Color Picker to select web safe colors. |
Use the panFora RGB to Hex Converter to assign hex values to any RGB color. |
Upload and use background images. |
Preview all your edits prior to committing your changes. |
Important: |
If you customize your Forum colors, make sure you make the necessary edits to the default Forum pages. |
Please refer to Edit Pages section for more information. |
Option1 overview: Edit all elements in one operation. |
1.Load an Alternate Color Scheme in the Colors Frame to make global color changes. |
2.Preview |
3.Save your changes. |
Option2 overview: Edit individual elements. |
1.Select the element you wish to edit in the Colors Scheme Preview Frame. |
2. Edit the existing color with one of the three methods below: |
a. Load an Alternate Color Scheme in the Colors Frame. |
b. Retype the hex value in the Colors Frame. |
c. Select a color in the Color Picker Frame. |
3.If desired, apply a background image |
Select a background image in the Background Images Frame. |
Use one of the existing images or upload a new image |
Select the Frame you wish to apply the background to. |
4. Preview your edits in the Color Scheme Preview Frame. |
5. Save your changes. |
Using the Hex to RGB conversion utility |
1.Click |
The Hex to RGB conversion utility window pops up. |
2.Enter the desired RGB values |
3.Click to convert the RGB values into a Hex Value. |
4.Click to copy the hex value to the color value text field |
5.Close window. |
6.Click to apply the color to the element currently selected in the Colors Frame. |
The Color Scheme Preview Frame updates to reflect the change. |
7.Click to Revert back to the previous value. |
Colors Frame |
This frame allows you to: |
Load alternate color schemes into your Forum. |
Add new color schemes to [Color Scheme] list. |
Make specific color edits to individual elements. |
Copy a color from one element to another |
Load Alternate Color Schemes |
1.Select an alternate color scheme from the Color Scheme pull-down menu. |
2.Click to get an idea of how the Forum will look like with this color scheme. |
3.Click to submit your changes. |
A confirmation window pops up. |
You will be asked if you want to apply this new color scheme to the current Forum. |
Click Yesto apply it, click Noto abort. |
Notes: |
Use the existing color scheme library as a departure point for color editing. |
Once you load an existing color scheme, you can edit |
any of its elements to further customize it. |
Add a new Color Scheme to the Color Scheme list |
1.Select an alternate color scheme from the Color Scheme pull-down menu.. |
2.Click to get an idea of how the Forum will look like with this color scheme. |
3Edit any of the elements' colors. |
The Color Scheme Preview Frame updates to reflect the changes. |
4Enter a new Color Scheme Name in the Color Scheme Name text field. |
5.Click to Save your new color scheme.. |
A confirmation window pops up. |
You will be asked if you want to apply this new color scheme to the current Forum. |
Click Yes to apply it, click No to just add it to the current Forum color scheme library. |
Tip: Remember to click the Refresh (Reload) button in your browser |
to see the newly added color scheme to the list. |
Make Specific Color Edits |
Individual Elements List |
All the Forum color elements that can be edited are listed in the Colors Frame. |
They are organized in three columns: [Topics Frame], [Threads Frame] and [Content Frame]. |
This reflects where each element appears in the Forum |
The following elements appear in each of the above three frames: |
Frame Header Background Color |
Frame Background Color |
Frame Plain Text Color |
Frame Active Link |
Frame Visited Link |
Frame Background Image |
The elements below appear only in specific frames: |
Topics Frame Date Text |
Threads Frame Selected Topic Highlight Text |
Content Frame Message Header Highlight |
Content Frame Message Highlight |
Global User Highlight (non-moderator) |
1.Click the radio button next to the element you wish to edit |
or click the element in the Color Scheme Preview Frame. |
2.Edit the hex value in its text area |
or select a color from the Color Picker or Hex/RGB converter. |
Please refer to Using the Color Picker for more information. |
3.If desired, add a background to a Frame by selecting an image from the background list. |
Please refer to The Background Images Frame for more information. |
4.Click to Save your changes. |
Warning: Your changes will overwrite the selected color scheme unless you rename it. |
a. Rename it to add a new color scheme to the list. |
b. Leave the name as is to overwrite the existing color scheme in the Forum library. |
c. Click to cancel the edits. |
How to Copy a color from one element to another |
1.Click next to the desired color. |
That will copy the color value to the color picker |
2.Select the element you want to copy the color to. |
Click the radio button next to it in the Colors Frame or |
Click its link in the Color Scheme Preview Frame. |
3.Click in the Color Picker Frame. |