1.Type a subject in the [Email Subject] field to enter Email Subject. |
Email messages will not be posted if the subject field is left blank. |
2.Type the message content in the text area to enter Email Message Text. |
Email messages will not be posted if the subject field is left blank. |
3.Select the Email Message Recipients: |
All Groups |
Your email will be sent to all users and moderators in the Forum, across all groups. |
Note that all groups in the Recipient Groups are checked. Please proceed to Step 6 |
Selected Groups |
Only users in the selected groups below will receive the email message |
4.Select the Recipient Groups |
Check the box next to every group you would like to send your email message |
Each group is identified by its name and is listed under its leader moderator name (Userid) |
5.Select Additional Email Recipients |
All Moderators |
Check to also send the email to all Forum moderators across all groups. |
All Administrators |
Check to also send the email to all Forum administrators across all groups. |
6.Click on to send your email. |
Click on the Clear button to clear the complete form. |
Tip: Wait for the confirmation window to ensure the email was sent correctly. |