Only Forum Administrators have access to Setup tools in panFora. |
By default, panFora Forums are displayed in a three-frame layout: |
[Topics Frame], [Threads Frame] and [Content Frame]. |
However, panFora allows you to customize your Forum environment layout |
You may add up to 4 additional frames in 15 possible configurations. |
Customize size, color, border color and resizing ability of new frames. |
Upload html content for each added frame. You can add: |
Advertisement content |
Project or Forum Community specific content. |
Images, animation, links, etc. |
A larger thumbnail of the Selected Layout configuration is pictured here. |
Each additional Frame is numbered to facilitate editing. |
You need to select the appropriate html files to provide these frames with the desired content. |
If you leave the content blank, the default home.html page is selected. |
Files can be added through the edit files page. |
They will go into the main Forum directory, for example, /MyForumName/my.html. |
You can also upload images, and documents to this directory. |
Editing New Frames |
1.Enter the appropriate URL for each of the new frames |
You may enter either absolute (e.g. http://...) or relative (e.g. /MyForumName/Forum/...) URLs. |
The content for each URL will appear in the appropriate frame. |
You may edit the html files at any time. |
You can edit through the Files interface, or re-upload if necessary. |
Pay attention to the numbers to ensure the correct HTML files go in the appropriate places. |
2.Set width and height of each new frame. |
Width and Height can be entered as absolute numerical values (e.g. 120), |
percentages (e.g. 20%) or "*", meaning the frame will take all available space. |
When two new frames are adjacent to each other, setting the height of one |
will lock the height of the other. |
3.Set resize ability for each new frame |
This is defined as the ability to enlarge the frame-size by dragging on its borders. |
When two new frames are adjacent to each other, setting the resizing ability of one |
will affect this option for the other. |
4.Select Frame Border size from the Frame Border pull-down menu. |
Options range from 1 to 5 pixels |
Notes: |
A border of at least 1 pixel is required to make the Forum frames resizable. |
Borders must be set to 5 pixels for border color to work in Internet Explorer. |
5.Set Frame Border Color by entering a hex value in the text field. |
By default, #FFFFFF (white) is entered. |
6.Click to submit your changes. |
Tip |
Before committing your changes, click Preview, to see how your edits would affect your Forum environment. |