February 14, 2002
panFora v1.4.0 for Mac OS X released
panFora is now also available for Mac OS X.
Apple G3 and G4 desktops/servers running OS X can offer panFora, the best discussion forum software, for internet and intranet websites.
Download the evaluation version, or the FREE panFora Lite, or purchase one of the panFora licenses today!
November 12, 2001
panFora v1.4.0 LITE release
Now, everyone can enjoy panFora's state-of-the-art navigation, easy installation, and high performance features with the FREE starter version, panFora LITE.
Register and download your FREE panFora-Lite, today!
October 31, 2001
panFora v1.4.0 release
Budget conscious customers can now take advantage of panFora's state-of-the-art features and high performance with the new low-cost panFora PERSONAL.
panFora v1.4.0 (Pro, Plus, Basic, and now Personal) introduce new improvements that simplify forum administration.
View the change log, download the FREE Evaluation for your particular platform, or purchase one of the panFora licenses today!
May 24, 2001
panFora v1.3.3 release
Enhanced performance, increased robustness. Improved backward compatibility, security and handling of browser page caching. Bug and error fixes.
March 8, 2001
panFora v1.3.2 release
This release now supports Windows NT/2000, and OpenBSD.
It also fixes caching issues users experienced while using Internet Explorer, and font sizes with non-standard frame configurations.
December 20, 2000
panFora v1.3.1 update release
November 16, 2000
WEB 2000 Special Extended
The WEB 2000 panFora discount has been extended! You now have until November 30, 2000 to purchase panFora at a 50% discount!
November 8, 2000
WEB 2000 Wrap-up
With the help of everyone who visited our booth at WEB 2000, the event was a huge success. Thanks for your support!
The drawings for the 1 Pro, 3 Plus and 9 Basic versions of panFora have been completed and the winners have been notified.
For those who didn't win, all panFora software is still 50% off through November 15!
October 30 - November 3, 2000
WEB 2000 International Conference & Exposition
Moscone Convention Center 747
Howard Street
South Hall
San Francisco, CA 94103
Conference: October 30, 2000 November 3, 2000
Exposition: November 1, 2000 November 3, 2000
We will be a showcase exhibitor at WEB2000.
Please look for our booth No. 541 and learn more about wiTHinc.
We are looking forward to meeting you.